On this night last year I was at Good Samaritan receiving my first CT Scan (of many, unbeknownst to me at the time). This year I am spending my birthday-eve at a hospital again! I have a sweet little roommate this time who is a total champ. She has continued to improve with each hour that goes by and is spending more time awake. Tomorrow she should be able to sit up and, hopefully, get moved out of the ICU and onto a regular floor.
The 30th year of my life has easily been the most challenging. In the last 12 months I have gained the titles of cancer survivor and special needs mom, two things I never would have guessed would be a part of my identity. Though I don't have the benefit of time passed yet, already I am able to recognize this point in our family's history as a time of stretching and growing into a new level of abundance.
Abundant: (adj.) present in great quantity; more than adequate;
oversufficient; well supplied; abounding
My life has become more abundant in so many ways this year. Though our little family has had more than our share of burdens this year I can confidently say that life has never been so full. That is something to celebrate!
Maybe my "30s" will redeem themselves after all.
Lizzie, happy birthday. I wish you to have a turning point this year. May your 31 birthday bring nothing but an upswing : may it be a road to health for you and your entire family. This is it, it will all get better you will see it. You are the strongest woman I have known, a super mom. I wish you to have more reasons to smile this year, tears from happiness. Lots of love your way. Stay strong, it will be good! - Galla