Oops... I haven't written an update in two treatments! We've been busy, busy, busy with the kids on the weekend and I've been using weeknights to rest up for the next day. The last post was written before I had my mid-treatment PET scan to see
whether the cancer was hanging around. Fortunately, I received the news that the PET scan showed no signs of cancer! I still have
to finish out my chemo regimen but I will not have to do any radiation. We are so thankful!
Today I am "Over the Hill" with my treatments. This is my 7th treatment (out of 12) so from here on out I have fewer treatments behind me than ahead of me. A small milestone but a milestone worth celebrating nonetheless. My blood counts continue to be good and we are moving right along. I should have my last treatment on December 1st (party anyone?). It will be a beautiful thing to close the book on 2014 and start fresh with a new year cancer free.
Something I have been experiencing is the weekend weepies. On the Friday and Saturday after I receive a treatment I have what I can only describe as little bouts of depression and anxiety. I don't know if this is from the chemo or if it a product of coming off of the steroids at the end of the week or if it is just a psychological reaction. But, it consistently comes around, then, come Monday I pop back to "normal." I considered an anti-depressant but decided against adding another drug to my body's chemistry. Since I know it is coming I am able to keep it in the front of my mind that this is temporary. The kids make it easier and more difficult. Easier because we are chasing them around and I don't have time to think about myself. More difficult because we are chasing them around and I don't have time to think about myself :)
Other than the weekend weepies I have just been dealing with the tiredness. My eyes are getting big dark circles under them and I have been gaining weight from the steroids. The mirror is not my best friend. Again, all temporary.
We have been continued to be blessed by the support and encouragement of friends and family. Thanks to everyone for continuing to let us lean on you!